Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Everything in Moderation? I disagree...

I came across this blog post and could not resist giving my opinion on it. 

To begin with, the first sentence really irks me: "Does “all things in moderation” work? I haven’t seen it work yet." 
I disagree. From all that I have learned from various professionals, I believe all things in moderation does work (even though I still have a hard time practicing it myself). However, I think the author is comparing apples and oranges when she brings up smoking and other "bad" habits and eating. I believe all food in moderation is the correct/most healthy way to go about eating. Smoking, on the other hand, is not the same as eating a few Cheetos at a birthday party. Smoking one cigarette will not kill you either, but the difference is that smoking contains Nicotine, which is an addictive drug. 

Food is vital to life. No, Cheetos and candy are not necessarily vital, but they are forms of energy, nonetheless. Smoking, in my opinion, is not in the same category as any type of food. 

I agree with the author in the sense that you should not eat salads all week to go have a Big Mac on Friday. But that is not practicing moderation. Moderation would not involve denying yourself all week or "saving up" for one meal. Healthy eating is important, but eating treats and an occasional burger is healthy! If you had not restricted all week and went to get that Big Mac, you might not even want the whole thing. 
The author claims that once we "get it" we will no longer think moderation is acceptable, but want to make decisions that honour our bodies and families. I do not see how eliminating certain foods is honoring one's body or family? If the chemical-laden Doritos are delicious, then eat an appropriate portion of them in moderation. They may not be great for you, but the Doritos are not going away. The Doritos will be at parties, at the grocery store, served as a snack at Bible Study. Choosing not to eat them will most likely leave you feeling deprived, as well as spending WAY too much time thinking about Doritos.

 Foods filled with toxic chemicals are all around us. I am not saying "dig in and forget about it!" It is something we should be aware of, however, I am saying that these types of foods are apart of our lives and are unavoidable. Even in the case of toxic chemicals, I still believe moderation holds true. 

Tell me your thoughts!

1 comment:

  1. I read the post you refer to and I agree with your opinion! Moderation (in almost everything) is the right attitude for a healthy and balanced lifestyle!

